

Leicester pulled off a win after trailing Wolverhampton for much of the match.

It was not until the end of heat 11 that the Lions drew level after Jason Doyle riding for double points succeeded along with second place for Craig Cook.

That was followed by a 5-1 for Mads Korneliussen and Krzysztof Buczkowski but a 4-2 for Tai Woffinden and Chris Harris in Heat 13 restored Wolverhampton's lead.

Entering the final race the Wolves held a slender two points lead but Woffinden bike expired on the line and Leicester's pairing of Doyle and Nicolai Klindt quelled the aspirations of Peter Karlsson and with it Leicester were home and dry by 47 points to 45.

"We showed a great deal of character to come back from eleven points down and even going into the final race I was not totally confident that we could pull it off as Wolverhampton had possibly the best gate positions but what a finale. Jason reached the first corner ahead but what a ride from Nicolai from gate four. He has been a revelation for us and is a class act. To have him in the team on a starting figure of 3.89 was no risk at all as he is a far better rider than that" enthused the Lions team manager Norrie Allan.

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